用乙肝病毒抗原免疫核糖核酸(HBAg-iRNA)阴廉穴位注射(穴注)治疗慢性乙型肝炎(慢乙肝)115例,随机抽样分8组:(1)慢迁肝(CPH)50例,(2)慢活肝(CAH)50例,(3)CAH伴早期肝硬化(CAHC)15例,治前HBsAg.HBcAg和抗-HBc均阳性,抗-HBs与抗-HBe均阴性,同时检测HBV DNA95例均阳性。治后临床症状体征,HBV血清标志物及肝功能等有较好疗效。HBeAg、HBV-DNA转阴率3组分别为(1)52%、70.73%,(2)54%,70%,(3)46%、64.28%,合计HBV*DNA转阴66例中,HBeAg转阴60例,两者符合率90.90%(60/66)。3组近期有效率分别为(1)96%、(2)98%、(3)86%,治后3~6月及1~2年出现抗-HBs 14例,远期有效率为(1)93.02%、(2)93.33%,(3)75%。治疗前后SK-SD及PHA两侧前臂同时皮试,结果治后较治前95%反应增强。CPH与CAH相比,仅在治后3~6月及一年中抗-HBc P<0.05,治后2年各项HBV血清标志物P均>0.05。近、远期疗效说明3组均有效。提示HBAg-iRKA有抑制HBV作用和免疫调节作用。
This paper reports 115 cases of chronic hepatitis B treated with point injection in YinLian (阴廉) of HBAg-iRNA. We divided them at random into 3 groups: (1)CPH, 50 cases, (2)CAH, 50 cases, and (3) CAH with earlystage cirrhosis (CAHC), 15 cases. Before the treatment, serological indexes of HBsAg, HBeAg and anti-HBc were all positive, anti-HBs and anti-HBe, negative, while HBV-DNA in 95 cases, were positive. The point injection showed good effects on the recovery of clinical symptoms and signs, HBV serological indexes and liver function. In the 3 groups the transformation rates of HBeAg and HBV-DNA to negative were (1)52%, 70.73% (2)54%, 70% and (3) 46%, 64.2% respectively; the short-term effective rates were (1)96%, (2)98% and (3)86%; in 14 cases there appeared anti-HBs 3-6 months and 1-2 years after the treatment. The long-term effective rates were (1) 93.02%, (2) 93.33% and(3)75%. The skin tests of SK-SD and PttA in both forearms showed enh;~nced responses in 95% cases after tile treatment. With statistical processing, HBV serological indexes all turned to negative or decreased.and between CPH and CAH (P:>0.05) no significance was showed except in anti-HBc after ,'1-6 months and i year^s treatment. This indicates that the treatment of all 3 groups is effective. HBAg-iRNA can restrain the action of HBV and regulate the patient′s immune function.
ACTA Academiae Medicinae Nantong