Oriented thin sections of metamorphic rocks are of important significance for qualitative and quantitative studies of revealing the origin, structural nature and structural elements of metamorphic rocks. The author proposes a set of rigid procedures and steps for the collection of oriented specimens and preparation of thin section. He points out that XZ thin sections may be used to measure the shear angle (θ)and calculate the shear strain value (γ) and that grains of deformed minerals in XZ and XY (or YZ) thin sections may be used to find the Flinn index (K) of finite strain. Besides, the angle between the foliations S and Chas been measured in oriented thin sections and the attitudes of foliation S and stretching lineation (La) have been calculated in the steriographic net, and then the direction of movement and dip of the ductile shear zone are estimated.
Regional Geology of China