One hundred and ten patients with gastric ulcer underwent Roux-en-Y gastroentestinalreconstruction. The results of follow up from 1 to 14 years are as follows: Visick' s grade Ⅰ 89 cases(80. 90%), grade Ⅱ 17 cases (10. 40% ), grade Ⅲ 3 cases (2. 70% ), and grade Ⅳ 1 case (0. 90% ).Two patients (1. 80 % ) complicated with superficial marginal ulcer, and 7 cases (6. 30 % ) with mild gastricretention. Neither alkaline reflux gastritis nor gastric remnant cancer was found in all this patients. Theauthors consider that Roux-en-Y gastroentestinal reconstruction could effectively prevent and treat alkaline gastritis, and there was no afferent loop complication in this series. The rate of recurrence andgastric retention was not higher than that of the Billroth operation.