本文对40例肺心病发作期患者作6项血小板指标监测——血小板聚集试验(Platelet aggregation test,PAgT)、纤维连结蛋白(fibronectin,Fn)、血栓素B_2(Thromboxane B_2,TXB_2)、6酮PGF_1α(6—Keto—prostaglandin,F_1α)、血小板激活因子(Platelet activating factor,PAF)、血小板α-颗粒膜蛋白(Platelet α-granule membrane protein,GMP-140)测定。按1980年肺心病学术会议诊断标准,分为中度22例,重度18例,其中男性35例、女性5例,年龄65.1岁(34~80岁)。并和正常人(40例)作对照。 结果表明,肺心病急性发作期由于缺氧及感染等因素,肺血管内皮受损,损伤的血管内皮合成PGI减少,血小板合成TXB_2增加,引起血小板功能亢进。肺心病发作期患者TXB_2、6酮-PGF_1α、Fn、PAF、GMP140其均值和正常人比较有显著差异(P<0.001、P<0.001、P<0.001、P<0.001)。这都反映肺心病患者体内存在高凝状态,肺心病患者和血小板功能亢进密切相关,这些指标检测和正常值比较有助于了解肺心病病情之发展及预后判断,对今后使用血小板制剂预防肺动脉血栓栓塞及肺心病发展有重大意义。
This article reported the tests of 6 platelet functions-platelet aggregation test (PAgT), fibronectin(Fn), thromboxin (TXB2), 6-keto-prostaglandins F1α, platelet activating factor(PAF) and plateleta-granulomembrane protein 140 (GMP 140) in 40 cases of acute attack of cor pulmonale. According to the diagnostic criteria set by Chinese Cor Pulmonale Conference in 1980, patients were divided into 2 groups (moderate 22 cases, severe 18 cases), male 35, female 5, average age 65.1 years old. Contrast group: 40 normal persons, male and female 20 each, average age 56.3 years old. The investigation showed that acute attack of cor pulmonale were due to chronic hypoxia and infection, pulmonary vessel endothelia were damaged, PGI synthesis decreased and TXB2increased, and platelet hyperfunction happened. The amount of TXB2, 6-keto-PGF1α,Fn, PAF and GMP140 showed significant difference between acute attack patients and contrast group (P< 0.001). This indicated cor pulmonale patients usually accompanied with hypercoagulation and were closely related with platelet hyperfunction. Platelet function monitoring is very useful for prognostic judgement and for pulmonary artery thrombosis prevention by platelet drugs. It is also very important in the aspect of cor pulmonale clinical study.
Geriatrics & Health Care