陈垣先生晚年目睹国家和民族的新兴 ,学术思想不断升华 ,进一步明确了学术为人民、为社会服务的方向 ,他刻苦学习辩证唯物论和历史唯物论 ,逐步形成了新的世界观和唯物史观。他晚年把渊博的学识奉献给国家和人民 ,将大量精力投入新中国学术文化事业的规划和建设中 ,发挥了重要的顾问和指导作用 ,这是他晚年学术成就不可忽视的重要方面。陈先生晚年依然在史学耕耘不息 ,撰写了 40多篇学术论文 ,主持了大型的古籍整理项目。先生晚年的历史考证周匝缜密 ,益臻佳境 ,善于由小见大 。
In Late Years,Chen Yuan saw the rising of the country and the nationality,so his academic thinking rose continous,and fixed further the direction that the academia was in the service of the people and the society.He studied hard dialectical materialism and historical materialism.It was important academic success of Chen Yuan in Late Years,which he devoted his erudite learning for the people and the country,and put into much energy for plan and construct of the academic cause of new china,and gave full play to important guiding role.In Late Years,Chen Yuan still studied history very hard.He had written more than 40 academic theses,and had directed the large item of arranging ancient books.His haitorical textual reaserch was more rigorous,and being good from little to big,to get the historical real facts and the general survey. \ \ [
Journal of Historiography