通过选用 SCL-90量表对168名体育专业大学生进行心理健康状况测查,结果表明体育专业学生心理健康水平总体上略低于国内其它专业大学生,与国内青年常模相比,除一项因子外,其余各项均高于对照组,并有显著差异。提示应关注体育专业大学生的心理健康状况。
By conducting a test on l68 PE majors via SCL-90 and comparing the testing data with those of domestic college students and national youth regular group, the authors of this paper have found that the psychological healthy conditions of PE majors, like those of domestic college students, fall far behind those of national youth regular group. As a whole, the psychological health levels of PE majors fall slightly behind other specialty majors.
Sport Science Research