In this article the newborns of term deliv- ery were the subjects. The activity of choline- sterase of umbilical blood of newborns in cot- ton growing area were compared with those in rice growing area and were also compared bet- ween the farmers and nonfarmers in the two areas. The application of pesticides in the fam- ily of the subjects was used as index of expo- sure and the activity of cholinesterase of new- born's umbilical blood was used as index of effect. The relationship between the two indices were analyzed. The results demonstrated that there didn't exist significant difference of the activity of cholinesterase of umbilical blood bet- ween two areas and farmers and nonfarmers. The activity of cholinesterase was used as ind- ependent variable and the 15 kinds of pesticides were used as independent variables. Their rela- tionship was analyzed by stepwise regression analysis. The results demonstrated that there existed the negative correlation between the application of carbofuran and dichlorvos and total cholinesterase activity. This article still provided the average activity of cholinesterase of umbilical blood of newborns in rural areas.
Newborn's umbilical blood Cholinesterase activity Environmental exposure to pesticides