Objective : To study the x - ray Characteristics of alveolar cell carcinoma and improve the diagnostic accuracy.Methods:we collected 21casesof alveolar cell carcinoma ( acc), 16 cases of twice- chest- X- ray, 8 cases of tomography and 15 cases of CT. Results: We got 8 cases of misdiagnosed by once - chest - X - ray(38. 09% ), 4 cases of correcting diagnostic by re - examination in 1 - 2 months or CT (19.04% ). On the basis of imagery presentation, we divided ace into 4 types: 1, miliary ; 2, multinodule ; 3, solitarynodule and pneumonia -like. Conclusion: Each type has its X - ray casracteristics. The diagnostic accuracy can be improved by full analysis and fullow- up films.