为了尽快地改变通信事业的落后状况,中国在自己的第一颗人造卫星发射成功以后,就立即着手发展通信卫星的工作,以实现对包括边远地区在内的全国通信覆盖,完成对部分省会等大城市的电视转播,实现中央人民广播电台对内对外节目的卫星转播,解决军事通信、远洋舰船和测量船的通信任务。 试验通信卫星 中国的第一颗试验通信卫星于1984年1月29日用长征三号运载火箭送入近地点高度为474公里,远地点高度为6480公里的轨道。
From 1984 to 1991,China has launched 2 experimental and 4 operational communication satellites. This paper describes the status and features of these satellites in detail. It also introduces the contributions made by these indigenous satellites to multi-fields of the national economic construction ,such as broadcasting and TV transmission,TV education,long-range telephone and telegraph,data transfer in finance and railway traffic, etc. . Now,a new communication satellite of medium capacity,designated as Dong Fang Hong-3(DFH-3) ,is under development and scheduled to be launched in 1993. It is the first satellite co-developed by China and its foreign cooperators. It is also the first satellite that will be under commercial management in China.
Aerospace China