This paper applicants the indicator potential years of life lost (PYLL)to stress' Premature death'. Malignant tumor is the leading cause of death which harm the life workers in Ben Steel Company, followed by disease of the circumstances, the population is divided into three groups. PYLL of malignant tu- mor is on the leading point in ease group, except leukemia. It indicates that malignant tumor is the important cause of prema- ture death among the worekrs of Bengang and makes us think that there is a relationship between malignant tumor andooccu- pational harmful factors. It's significant to the studying of oc- cupational tumor. In this article, future work of years lost (FWYL) is used- first to reckon the harmful impact of each cause of death on the years lost of working, alignant tumor, toxin and injury disease of the digestive system are the main causes of FWYL. But in the view of average work of years lost, toxin and injury, dis- ease of the digestive system and leukemia, liver cancer are the leading causes. Controlling the harmful occupational factors, acting treatment and prevention of relative diseases will be ac- tive in preventing premature mortality, decreasing FWYL. It also provides the theoretical basis for occupational medicine.
Premature death Potential Years of Life Lost(PYLL)