名牌产品以其自身的高品质、高信誉、高知名度、高市场占有率和高效益赢得市场和用户 ,随着实施名牌战略的深入和中国加入WTO ,名牌产品战略正在向名牌经济战略引伸和拓展。这样 ,名牌的需求、竞争、辐射、扩张和带动效应不仅可以不断扩大企业的经济效益和给地方经济创造新的经济增长点 ,而且有利于加速推进我国经济结构、产业结构 ,企业结构的调整 ,全面增强和提高我国产品和服务的竞争力 。
Famous-brand Products win the market and users with their high quality, high prestige, high popularity, high occupation rate of market and high benefits. With the deepening movement of China into WTO, the strategy of famous-brand products is amplifying and expanding towards the famous-brand economy. Thus the need competition, radiation, expansion and drive of famous-brand not only bring in the economic benefits and create the new point of economic increase, but also help to accelerate the adjustment of our country economic structure, industrial structure and enterprises structure, strengthen and improve all side the competitiveness of products and service, and push the development in an all-round way of social economy.