
FOK产生机制的再验证 被引量:6

摘要 通过用有意义联系和无意义联系的两种中文词对作为识记材料,在以前实验研究基础上,进一步验证关于FOK(Feeling of Knowing)产生机制的两种理论假说,即靶项目记忆强度假说(或靶项目提取可能性假说)与线索熟悉性假说。实验结果表明,靶项目记忆强度和线索熟悉性程度都能决定FOK判断等级的高低,说明两种假说并非绝对对立,非此既彼。但此二因素都需达到一定程度,才能显著影响FOK判断等级的高低。 Based on previous studies, in this experiment, two hypothesis about the mech anism of Feeling-of-knowing(FOK)-the cue familiarity hypothesis and the target memorability hypothesis (or retrievability hypothesis) were re-verified. Th e design of this experiment was 2×3 within-group design. The two factors were l evels of materials (meaningful and meaningless associated Chinese word-pairs), a nd three types of connections of the word-pairs: (1) A-B A-B; (2) A-D A-B; (3) C-B . The participants were undergraduates of Peking University, 10 men and 10 women, their age ranged from 18-22. The program of experiment was made in Visua l Basic, and the experiment was conducted on 586 computer. The materials were a list of 132 pairs of two-syllable Chinese word-pairs. 60 pairs were in the first half and 60 pair s in the second, 6 pairs were used for exercise, 6 pairs as buffers. The materia ls were presented to subjects in a random order that maintained the first-half-s econd-half distinction. The procedure included four phases: (1) Word-pairs learn ing, subjects were instructed to learn a list of pairs of items, and were told t hat after learning when later presented with the left item, they could recall th e right ones. (2) Cued recall, Subjects were given the cue items and asked to wr ite down the target words. (3) FOK judgment: all the cues were presented randoml y, subjects were asked to make a FOK judgment on a scale from 1 to 10. (4) Force d-choice recognition tests: six alternatives were used, the target was one of th e alternatives and was placed in a random position with respect to the other opt ions.The subjects’ choices and reaction time were recorded by computer. The ran king of the magnitude of FOK judgments was higher when cues were repeated than w hen not repeated. The subjects’ recall performance of the meaningful word-pairs was higher than the meaningless ones. This indicated that the memorial strength of the targets were significantly different between two types of materials. Thi s difference de
机构地区 北京大学心理系
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期13-16,共4页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
关键词 FOK判断 靶项目提取可能性 线索熟悉性 FOK judgment, target retrievability, cue familiarity.
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