九一八事变是第一次世界大战后一次重大的国 际政治危机。以此为开端,日本在中国东北地区制造了一场历时数载、喧嚣一时的“ 远东危机”。它不仅践踏了中国的主权和领土的完整,还向整个凡尔赛-华盛顿体系发起了挑 战。作为战后和平体系的缔造者和维持者,英美两国的政策对当时的国际局势起着极为重要 的影响。但由于事件的特殊时代背景,两国对此都未做出积极的反应,导致了事态的一再 扩大。
The September 18th Incident is the first ser ious international political crisis which threatened international peace after the First World War. To begi n with it, Japan made the notorious “Far-Eastern Crisis” in Manchuria which la st ed for years. It not only impaired the integrity of Chinese territory and sov ereignty, but also challenged the Versailles-Washington System. As the founder s and keepers of the inter-war peace structure, Britain and the U.S. might have had great influence on the international situation at that time. However, owing to the particular historical background of the Incident, the two countries hadn 't made promote and active response, which further worsen the situation.
Jianghai Academic Journal