The strain of Agrobacterium tumefa-ciens C58C1_(PBZ6111) harbored a recon-structed Ti plasmid which containediso-pentenyl transferase gene (gene4), chloramphenicol acetyltransferasegene and nopaline synthetase gene.After being infected by the Agrobacteri-um tumefaciens, cucumber explantswere cultured on hormone-free MS_0medium. Ten days later, shootsformed in the basal region of cucumbercotyledon. After one month, the ex-cised shoots developed into plantletswith 3~5 leaves and root system. Bydetection with paper electrophoresis,all transformed plants showed the pres-ence of nopaline (Fig. 1). The trans-formed plants could grow well in themedium containing 60 ug/mlchloromycetin, while the control plantsturned white and withered after twomonths. Measurement of endogenoushormones by GLC showed that trans-formed plants produced 10.7 times 2-ip, 66.7 times IPA as much as the un-transformed plants. The contents ofother endogenous hormones were alsoaffected by the introduction of gene 4,IAA increased by 4. 0 times, ABA andgibberellin were about to be produced,the content of GA_3 became the highestof all measured endogenous hormones(Table 2). This fact make us interest-ed the further study of intrinsic relationamong endogenous hormones and regu-lation of hormone biosynthesis genes.
cucumber (Cucumis satirus L.)
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
endogenous phytohormone