庚子后 ,清季朝野双方在政治上日益走向对立 ,但在文化方面 ,却一度均以“保存国粹”为口号 ,且都不同程度地倾向于中西调和的取向 ,对“欧化”取容纳而非完全排斥的态度 ,可见明显的共性。仔细考察分析民间国粹学派与办理存古学堂的官方在保存国粹方面的实际努力和观念异同 ,可以看到虽然双方从立场、观念到具体取向都确实充满歧异甚至对立 。
After 1900, the court and the provincial elites of the Qing Dynasty became more and more antagonistic to each other politically. But culturally, for a time both sides advocated “preserving the National Essence.” To different degrees, they were also both inclined towards reconciling Chinese and Western culture, and adopted an attitude of accommodation — rather than total rejection — toward “Europeanization.” Obviously, there was clear common ground between the court and the provincial elites. Through careful examination and analysis of the actual preservation efforts of National Essence intellectuals and the officials who ran the School for Ancient Learning, as well as the similarities and differences of their views, we can draw the following conclusion: Although the two sides had many differences, and were even antagonistic, on points ranging from their standpoints and ideas on through to their concrete tendencies, the degree of conflict and tension between the court and the provincial elites was less serious than we thought before.
Modern Chinese History Studies