本文描述了哈密瓜蔓桔病两种症状类型。自然寄主主要是哈密瓜,1996年偶见轻微侵染西葫芦及籽西瓜。人工接种可侵染梨瓜及西瓜等葫芦科作物,惟对哈密瓜致病性强,对其它瓜类则弱。哈密瓜苗及田间成株接种试验表明,地面任何组织无论有伤或无伤都能侵染。该病主要借灌溉与风雨传播,病健蔓靠接也是一种传病方式。根据菌原形态及寄主范围等特点,明确本菌无性阶段为瓜壳单隔孢菌Ascochy-ts cucumis Fautr.et Roum.有性阶段为甜瓜球腔菌Mycosp-haerellamelonis(Pass)Chiu et J.C.Walker.防治研究表明.发病初期和以后每隔8—10天连续2—3次喷洒利克菌或拌种双都有很好的预防和治疗效果。
This article describes two symptom-types of gummy stem blight of Hamimelon(Cucumis melo L.ssp.rigidus)in Xinjiang.In nature the host is mainlyHami melon.It was found that the causal pathogen infected Cucurbita pepo L.and Convar megalaspermus Linot Chao.by chance in 1986.Artificial inoculationresulted in the infection of Cucumis melo var.(Thunb.conomon Mak.andCitrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Mansfeld as well as other Cucurbitaceae crops.Itwas strongly pathogenic to Hami melon.Field inoculation tests on Hami melon seedling and plant showed that all parts above ground,whether wounded ofnot,were infected,According to the study of spores of imperfect stage andhost range,it is idendtified to be Ascochyta cucumis Fautr et Roum.The perfect stage is Mycosphaerella melonis(Pass.)Chiu et J.C.Walker. Spray with Rirolex and Panzhongshuang showed good preventive andtherapeutic effect.
Acta Phytopathologica Sinica