罪过是行为人负刑事责任的主观基础 ,在犯罪构成中占有重要的地位 ,是区别罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的界限。由于刑法对防卫过当的罪过形式未作明确规定 ,造成理论界对防卫过当的罪过形式存在诸多争议 ,多数人认为防卫过当的罪过形式是间接故意和过失 ,但笔者认为防卫过当的罪过形式只能为过失。
The culpability, which is the subjective basis for the doer to bear criminal responsibility for his crime, is important in the constitution of a crime. It is the dividing line to distinguish guiltiness from guiltlessness, and a crime from other crimes. Because the criminal law does not describe the forms of culpability of unjustifiable self-defense, there is confusion among theoretical circle. But the author thinks the forms of culpability to unjustifiable self-defense should only be regarded as negligence.