邓小平经济特区理论导源于马克思主义哲学关于交往及其重要作用的原理。它体现了世界经济发展全球化、中国融入世界经济一体化大趋势的必然要求 ,立足于本国社会主义建设的实际需要。邓小平经济特区理论从形成到发展、完善经历了一个由探索、试验到逐渐成熟、坚定信心的过程。
Deng Xiaoping's theory on special economic zone came from Marxism's a philosophical tenet of association and its important meaning. This theory reflected an inexorable demand of economic globalization and China's mergence to this globalization trend, and a real demand of being based on our socialist construction. The formation, development and perfection of Deng's theory on special economic zone underwent a process from an exploration, experiment to gradual maturity and realization.
Theory & Practice of Trade Unions