上海正在逐步建立“两级政府 ,三级管理”的行政执法网络 ,但尚有诸多问题亟待解决。上海地方行政执法模式改革的基本思路是 :转变行政执法职能 ,调整行政执法的权力分配 ,建立专业化的执法队伍 ,完善行政执法责任制度等。
Shanghai is establishing the network of administrative enforcement of law of 'Two-level Government, Three-level Management'. However, many problems need solving. The basic thinking of reforming the pattern of local administrative enforcement of law in Shanghai is to transform the function of administrative enforcement of law, adjust the division of power of administrative enforcement of law, establish the professional contingent of enforcement of law, and improve the system of responsibility of administrative enforcement of law.