本文以短潜伏期皮层体觉诱发电位(SEP)为指标,对感传过程中皮层体觉区机能活动的特点进行了观察。观察对象为10名循经感传显著者和16名无感传者。以矩形波脉冲刺激侠溪或合谷穴,从对侧头皮体觉区下肢、上肢和头面部三个投射点引导 SEP,观察到针刺侠溪穴时无感传者 SEP C_2的振幅按下肢、上肢和面部三个投射点依次递减。针刺合谷时上肢投射点的 C_2振幅较下肢和面部者高,形成中间高两侧低的空间分布特点。而感传显著者,无论是针刺侠溪穴还是合谷穴 SEP C_2的振幅在三个投射点基本相同。结果提示,针刺时循经感传显著者的 S_1区各投射点出现了比较广泛的兴奋过程。
It is still not clear what role is played by cortical somatosensory system
during the advance of propagated sensation along meridians (PSM).In this
paper the short-latent somatosensory evoked potential (SLSEP) was taken as an
indication to observe the characteristics of functional activity in cortical soma-
tosensory area I (SI) during the advance of PSM.
The observation was preformed on 10 subjects with marked PSM,which
were clear and kept stable.Sixteen subjects without SPM were taken as cont-
rol.Electrical stimulation was delivered to the acupoint Jiaxi (GB43) or Hegu
(LI4).The SLSEP were recorded simultaneously from 3 scalp points corres-
ponding to the representative areas of foot,arm and face contralateral to the
stimulated side.The results are shown as follows.
When Jiaxi was stimulated,the amplitudes of SLSEP component C_2 (P_(45)-
N_(55)) from above three scalp points in subjects without PSC were 0.85±0.17,
0.51±0.11 and 0.31±0.07μv respectively.The amplitude was largest in the
foot representative area,but attenuated successively in arm and face areas and a
stair-shaped distributiou was thus formed.During stimulating the acupoint
Hegu (LI4) the amplitude of SLSEP component C_2 (P_(25)-N_(55)) from the repre-
sentative area of arm in subjects without PSM was larger than that from the
represeutative areas of foot and face,and a distribution with high-medium and
low-bilateral character was shaped.However,no matter whether stimulating
Jiaxi or Hegu the amplitude of SLSEP C_2 in subjects with marked PSM was
nearly the same from three scalp points.
The results suggest that the extensive excitation appeared in various repre-
sentative areas of S1 in subjects with marked PSM and they might be more su-
sceptible to the stimulation of acupoints.Perhaps,this is one of the favoura-
ble condition for the formation o
Acupuncture Research