Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that meridians is the regulative system
of the functional activity of the human body.According to the theory of meri-
dians there is a relatively specific connection between the acupoint and viscus.
Not a few researchers have paid much attention to this problem.Our previous
report showed the mechanical pressure could block the borborygmi caused by
puncturing Zusanli(ST 36)in the subjects with marked propagated sensation
along meridians(PSM).This paper deals with expriments to compare the influ-
ence of pressing the meridian course and non-meridian point on electrogastragram
(EGG)during puncturing Zusanli in 33 subjects without PSM.The acupoint
Liangqiu(ST 34)was selected as a compressed point and the points on its either
side as controls.EGG wes recorded with surface non-polarizable electrode from
two abdominal points corresponding to the areas of corpus ventrieuli and antrum
The effect of acupuncture on EGG appeared in two kind of rosponses which
depended on the amplitude of EGG before acupuncture.The amplitude of EGG
increased if it was low before acupuncture.On the contrary,it decreased.The
response was bi-directional.It is particular to be noticed that the acupuncture
effect was markedly influenced by mechanical pressure.When the pressure was
applied on acupoint Liangqiu the acupuncture effect markedly decreased,even
disappeared.Whereas mechanical pressure was applied on the both side of Li-
angqiu,an influence on acupuncture effect of EGG could not be found.That the
acupuncture effect could be blocked by the mechanical pressure applied on the
meridian course,regardless of the subjects with or without PSM,was confirmed
once again and it may be of universal significance.
The results not only suported the viewpoint on“meridian plocking at periphe-
ry”but also sugges
Acupuncture Research