拉克希米·普拉萨德·德瓦科达是尼泊尔 2 0世纪最伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一。他的诗歌创作大致分两个时期 :前期 (1935 - 194 6 )的浪漫主义———人道主义创作时期 ;后期 (194 6 - 195 9)的浪漫主义———进步主义创作时期。德瓦科达诗歌创作的主要特色表现在 :以描写自然景色为主 ,强调个人感情的自由抒发 ;注重对民间文学的发掘 ,从中汲取题材和艺术表现形式 ;对历史和传说情有独钟 ;从民主主义的立场 ,讽刺和揭露社会时弊 ;语言简明 。
Lakshni Prasad Devkota is the greatest romantic poet in Nepal in the 20th century. His poem writing is divided into two periods: the romantic humanitarian period (1935-1946) and the romantic progressive period (1946-1959). Devkotas poems have a number of features. They describe natural scenes, with an emphasis on the free expression of the poets feelings; they borrow a lot from the Nepalese folklore, especially with regard to the artistic form; they are focused on historical events and legends; they satirize and expose the social ills from a democratic stand; and they are succinct in language and fluent and harmonious in rhyme.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages