以法国文学批评开始其文学生涯的现代美国小说家亨利·詹姆斯在他文学创作的一开始就表现出了不同寻常的思想和艺术的成熟。他的第一部小说《罗德里克·哈德逊》就是一个有力的凭证。本文便是对这一部经典著作的文化解读 ,通过分析同名主人公罗德里克·哈德逊的死因 ,试图说明詹姆斯对 1
Henry James, one of the modern American novelists, whose literary career began with French literary criticism, showed extraordinarily artistic and ideological maturity at the very beginning of his novel writing. His first novel, Roderick Hudson (1875), is such a sufficient illustration. This paper attempts to make a kind of cultural interpretation of this classic. By analyzing the reasons of the hero, Roderick Hudson, the paper suggests how Henry James thinks about the special fate of the 19th century American artists.
Foreign Literature Studies