目的:了解骨科病人的焦虑抑郁状况及相关因素。方法:采用SAS、SDS和自编的相关问题调查表,对38 例骨科病人进行测评和调查。结果:骨科病人的焦虑和抑郁评分均非常显著高于全国常模(P<0.01); 焦虑情绪与缺乏治愈信心、对病房环境不满意、担心能力下降和拖累家庭有关;抑郁情绪与对疾病不知情、担心经济负担和拖累家庭有关。结论:骨科病人存在明显焦虑抑郁情绪和相关的心理问题,临床上既要做好躯体护理,又要重视心理护理。
Objective:To understand and evaluate anxiety and depressive levels and related factors in orthopedic patients.Method:SAS、SDS and self_edited questionnaire of related factors were applied to rate anxiety and depressive levels and related factors in 38 orthopedic patients.Result:The levels of anxiety and depression in the orthopidic qatients were significantly higher than those of national norms (P<0.01) while anxiety was related to lack of confident to cure,dissatisfaction to ward's settings and fear of declining capability and families involved and depression was related to be unknowing to the disease and fear of economic burdening and families involved.Conclusion:There are significant anxiety,depressive and psychological problems in orthopedic patients.In order to promote physical and psychological rehabilitation,clinically,attention should be paid not only to physical nursing but psychological nursing.
Modern Rehabilitation