目的:探讨以物理疗法( P T) 治疗小儿脑瘫的疗效。方法:将274 例脑瘫患儿分组治疗。第1 组单纯药物组,第2 组药物、头针、穴位注射组,第3 组综合康复组。疗效评价分4 等:正常化、显效、有效、无效。结果:总有效率,第1 组62 .9 % ,第2 组91 .1 % ,第3 组92.6% 。第1 组与第2 组总有效率之比有非常显著差异( P< 0.01) 。第2 组与第3 组总有效率之比无显著差异( P> 0 .01) ,但第2 组与第3 组的正常化与显效率之比有非常显著差异( P< 0 .01) ,即第3 组的治疗质量明显优于第2 组。结论:以 P T为主的综合性康复治疗方法是目前治疗小儿脑瘫较为有效的方法,尤其对轻、中型痉挛型脑瘫效果更佳。
Objective : To studythe effectof physicaltherapyin children suffering from cerebral palsy( C P) . Methods:274 casessufferingfrom C Pwere seperatedintothree groups. Thefirst wastreated by medicine only,the second by medicine,head acupuncture and acupointinjection, and the third by comprehensive rehabilitation treatment. According reponse totreatmentcurative effect wasseperatedintofourdegrees:normalization,significanteffective,effective,and noeffective. Resulds: The totaleffective ratein thefirst was 62 .9 % ,thatin the second was 91.1% ,and the third 92 .6 % . There were significantdifferences betweenthe totaleffectiveratein the firstand thatin second( P< 0.01) . There were notsignificantdifferences ontotal effective rate between the second and the third ( P> 0.05) ,butiftheirsignificanteffective and nomalrate were com pared ,significantdifferences were found ( P< 0.01) . Conclusion : The comprehensive rehabilitationtreatment,in which P Twasessential,was considerably effectivein treating C Pat present,particularlyin light or medium spastic C P.[
Modern Rehabilitation