本文在研究国际上各种颜色定量表示方法的基础上,选定了一种适合建筑界使用的定量描述颜色的方法。 在广泛征求建筑设计人员意见、现场测量和现有建筑色彩标样的基础上,选取250多种颜色制成建筑色卡,作为建筑上颜色信息交换的实物标准样品,具有很大的实用价值。 将建筑色卡样片按一定规律排列,规定编号,供设计人员使用。 色卡制作中使用计算机配色软件选取颜色的最佳配方,保证了色卡的质量。样片的平均色差为1.9。
This paper determines a method of quantitatively describmg colors in building. based on an investigation of various color specifying methods adopted internationally. On the basis of a consensus of designer opinion, field measurements and a survey of existing builsing colors, about 250 colors are chosen and corre- sponding building-color chips are made and used as solid standard samples for color information exchanging within building profession, being of great practical value. The samples of building-color chips can be regularly arranged, and labelled code numbers, for designer uses. Computer color-match software is used to choose optimal formulation for colors in the chip prodoction, guaranteeing the color chip guality. The sample average color difference is 1 .9.
China Illuminating Engineering Journal