对芥菜(Brassica juncea L.)的7种基因型进行游离小孢子培养试验,从供体母株取2~4mm长的花蕾,分离小孢子并将其置于NLN-82液体培养基中薄层培养,先在33℃,后移到25℃继续暗培养,3周后统计形成的球形期至子叶期胚.将成熟的小孢子胚转移到无激素MS琼脂培养基直接或经二次分化得到小孢子植株.7种基因型均观察到细胞分裂,6种基因型获得了小孢子胚,3种基因型得到了再生植株.各基因型小孢子胚胎发生频率差异很大;产量最高的“成都大头菜”,平均每蕾小孢子胚产量为10.0个.
2-4 mm long floral buds were removed from donor plants of vegetable mustard: Brassica juncea var. napifarmis,var. tumida and var. foliosa. Isolated microspores of 7 varieties of mustard were incubated in vitro in NLN-82 liquid medium with 10% sucrose. Microspore culture received a heat treatment of 33℃before incubation at 25 ℃ in darkness. After 3 week in vitro culture,the number of microspore embryos was evaluated and embryos were then subcultured on solid MS medium with 30 g/l sucrose until plantlet development. Microspore embryos were obtained in 6 varieties. Regenerated plants were obtained in 3 varieties. And response ability of these mustard cultivars to induce microspore embryos were very different.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition