海上重复保险制度能有效地防止因被保险人重复投保而可能产生的道德风险 ,对维护保险赔偿原则起了重要的作用 ,但《海商法》的规定仍有疏漏之处。本文对重复保险的含义、重复保险合同的效力以及被保险人的索赔权作了分析 ,并对保险人之间的权利。
The system of marine double insurance plays an important role in the enforcement of the indemnity principle and can effectively prevent the moral risk arising from the action of the insured who concludes contracts with several insurers. However, there are still some deficiencies in the provisions of double insurance of the Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China. This article pays attention to the controversial problems about the double insurance, clarifies the vague places and complements the defects of the relevant provisions.
Annual of China Maritime Law