he electrocardiogram of 119 Lagurus lagurus, anaesthet ized w ith the10% solut ion of urethanum, wsre studied. Leading methods includedstandard limb lead (ⅠⅡⅢ ) , the augmented limb leads ( aVR, aVF.aVL) and the augmented thorax leads (Va. Vb, Vc).20 white mice ofKunming strain were studied and coinpared.The results are as follows: the mean heart rate of Lagurus laguruswas 558.54 54.59/min. and a sinus rhythm was shown in all mice.Themean cardiac electrical axis was 59.61 12.63.The average duration of P-R,QRS, Q-T and P wave was 38.29 6.46ms, 12.70 6.46ms, 27.62 7.37ms.12-34 4.09 ms respectively.P and T wave in leads aVF and Va isof positive form, their direction of wave were consistent with R wave,but in aVR is of negative form.There seemed no typical S-T segment.there was part overlap between QRS wave and T wave, the duration of Q-T was fairly short.
Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica