本文首先阐明了Fried参数(大气相干长度)r_0的物理含义及为什么选取r_0作为表征大气视宁度的参数;然后介绍了一种优良的测量r_0的方法—差分像运动(differential image motion)法,总结了该方法的六个特点,最后给出了在云南天文台用该方法两次实测大气视宁度的实验结果及实验参数,并对结果进行了分析。
In this paper,the physical meaning of the Fried's parameter r0(i.e.the atmospheric coherent length)and the reason why this parameter is chosen to discribe the atmospheric seeing are firstiy explained,and then,an excellent method for measuring r0,i.e.the differential image motion method,is introduced.The six characteristics of this method are summarized and the tested results and the experiment parameters for measuring the seeing twice by means of this method at the Yunnan Observatory are given.Finally,the results are analysed and discussed.
Publications of the Yunnan Observatoty