金融诈骗罪是从普通诈骗罪中分离出来的经济犯罪 ,我国刑法虽用专节对其进行了规范 ,但有些罪状粗糙 ,如“以非法占有为目的”是否是这类罪的主观构成要件。另外应加强对金融诈骗罪的惩罚力度 ,以遏制不断上升的犯罪势头。
The financial swindle is one kind of swindling action separated from commomn swi ndles.Though the Ciminal Law of PRC spends several chapters to s tipulate,some of them are still too vague.For instance:'the aim of illegal occ upation'is the important condition of financial swindle.In addition,how to enh ance the punishing strength to prevent the uprising of financial swindle is sugg ested.
Hebei Law Science