票据是流通证券 ,其流通是通过票据权利的转让实现的。在我国 ,票据权利可以通过背书与单纯交付两种方式转让 ,其中 ,背书转让是主要的、基本的方式。票据权利背书转让作为一种特殊的民事法律行为 ,原则上适用一般民事法律行为的有效要件 ,但是票据行为的特殊性决定不能笼统照搬民事法律行为有效要件 ,实质要件的适用主要体现在背书转让行为的直接当事人之间 ;票据法对背书转让行为的形式要件作了非常严格的规定 ,只有符合这一规定才能产生票据权利转让的法律后果 ,实质要件与形式要件共同决定了票据权利背书转让行为的效力。
As negotiable securities, bills can be current by transferring rights. In China, bill rights can be transferred by both endorsement and payment, in which the fo rmer is more principal and fundamental. As a specific civil juristic act, transf erring bill rights by endorsing should meet validity of general civil juristic a ct in principle, never copy. How to apply the essentials mainly embodies endorse ment-transferring actions between direct parties. The formal eleme nts of endorsement-transferring act have been perfectly stipulated in the Commercial Instrument Law of PRC, only that can cause th e legal consequences of transferring bills. Both the essentials and formal eleme nts decide the validity of the transferring act.
Hebei Law Science