任何一项法律制度的设计都在于维护一定的权利、实现一定的目的。但是 ,很多具体制度在实际运用过程中 ,出现了“实然不及应然”的结果 ,令这些制度在价值方面大打折扣。究其原因 ,除了这些制度在设计时就存在一定的缺陷外 ,相关法律制度不够配套 ,也是原因之一。在我国现阶段 ,很多法律制度是积极的、进步的 ,但实施效果却不够理想 ,如何对其进行必要的补救 ,以形成目的与效果的统一 ,是立法的当务之急。
For a 1egal system,its design is to safeguard certain rights and to r ealize certain purposes.However,many Legal systems,in practice,show that'1aw as it is'is not as good as 'law as it ought to be',which leads to the deval uation of the systems.the above is caused by both the defect of system's desig n and the lack of relevant 1egal system.At present,many legaI systems in China are positive but can not play fully,so it is necessary to remedy them in order to unify the purp ose and effect.
Hebei Law Science