公民法律素质迅速提高 ,权利意识不断强化 ,在公民通过诉讼途径保护合法权益的意识逐步增强的同时 ,公民借助诉讼这一合法的外在形式谋取不正当利益或者损害他人利益的动机同样得到了“强化” ,“恶意诉讼”现象已经成为一个不容人们忽视、亟待解决的问题。分析“恶意诉讼”的社会危害性并提出对策。
With the rapid improvement of legal diathesis and the growing right consciousness, more and more citizens protect their legal rights and interests t hrough litigation, at the same time the motivation to acquire malfeasance benefits and other harm benefits through litigation having been also intensified. 'Litigation with evil intention' has become a problem that can not be neglected and should be solved as quickly as possible. Harms to the society of 'litigation with evil intention' are expo unded along with countermeasures.
Hebei Law Science