An explicit function has been derived for the potential-energy surface of the ground state of HONO with the six interatomic distances as variables.This surface predicts that there exists a well on the reaction path from the reactant H+NO2 to the product HO + NO without the barrier in the entrance or exit channel. The surface has been used to calculate classical trajectories for the reaction H(2S) + NO2(X2A1)→OH(X2п) + NO(X2п).The angular distribution is nearly symmetric, and the reactive trajectories show a short-lived HONO complex with a lifetime of roughly 1.0×10~12sec. The cross section decreases with increasing the translational energy, implying this reaction with no threshold energy,From the 298K results an approximate rate constant has been obtained of 1.748× 10-10cm3. molecule-1, sec-1, which is in good agreement with the experimental value of 1.41 ±0.26×10-10. In addition, the rate constant is obviously dependent on the temperature. Only 23.2 per cent of the total energy released appears in translational energy, 22.8 per cent vibrational and 19.3 per cent rotational for HO, and 21.6 per cent vibrational and 12.5 per cent rotational for NO.The calculations yield the following relative vibrational populations: for HO, N0:N1:N2 :N3=2.28: 1.0; 0.36; 0.04; for NO,
N0:N1:N2:N3:N4:N5:N6 = 1.41; 1.0; 0.65; 0.33; 0.17; 0.07; 0.04.
Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics