《张之洞家书》自问世即有人怀疑其真伪 ,但具体分析者少 ,因而至今仍在流传。从其虚构人物 ,违反制度 ,时间混乱 ,编造履历 ,使用后世语言等方面看 ,该书漏洞甚多 ,其伪造者及传播源流亦有踪迹可以察考。
Was Zhang Zhidongs Letters Home a fabrication? This question was asked when the volume was first published. However,but because only a very limited amount of specific analysis was conducted on the subject, the book has continued to circulate. The author of this article provides evidence that the book is a fabrication by pointing out its many loopholes: fabricated persons, contradictions in time, anachronisms, fictitious details in Zhangs life history, and the use of expressions employed at a later date. Both the name of the forger and how his forgery was circulated are also discussed.
Historical Research