权威性语辞工具书解释“往往”只列了“常常”、“处处”两个义项 ,通过对《史记》等古代著作中这一词汇用法的考察 ,可知自汉代始“往往”一词有时作“纷纷”
There are only two meaning-items 'often' and 'everywhere' li sted under the Chinese term 'wang wang' in authoritative Chinese reference book s on language and dictionaries. Through observing and studying the use of the vo cabulary 'wang wang' in ancient Chinese classics such as Shiji (Historical Reco rds) and so on, the author concludes that sometimes 'wang wang' can also be int erpreted as 'one after another', which starts from Han dynasty.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology:Social Science Edition