SLE 4442逻辑加密存储卡的加密机制依赖的只是保存在IC卡中的几位固定数字组成的卡密码,其抗破译和窃取的能力与应用系统的安全设计有着非常紧密的关系。本文以SLE4442 IC卡为具体研究对象,通过对其安全性进行分析,采用DES加密算法,系统全面地设计了一种逻辑加密卡安全应用体系,并将其应用在IC卡自动加油机控制系统中。
Enciphering mechanism of SLE4442 memory card with security logic only depends on the card code stared in the IC card composed of several fixed digits. Its ability of resisting to deciphering and stealing is of a close relationship with the secure design of application system. In this article, the author uses the SLE4442 card as the specific object,though analyzing its security, adopts the DES algorithm, gives a systematic and overall secure design of memory card with security logic application system, and puts it into the IC card automatic refuelling machine control system.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Technology