目的 了解我院医院感染现患率和横断面抗菌药物使用情况。方法 采用横断面调查方法 ,床旁调查和病历调查相结合 ,调查 2 0 0 3年 8月 6日住院的 798例患者的医院感染现患率。结果 调查住院患者 787人 ,现患率为 5 .72 % ,现患例次率为 6 .2 3% ,心胸外科现患率最高为 2 0 .83% ;下呼吸道感染占 36 .7% ,泌尿道感染占18.4 % ,手术部位感染占 16 .3% ;医院感染的主要病原体依次为真菌、铜绿假单胞菌、金黄色葡萄球菌 ;住院患者HBs Ag阳性率为 2 0 % ,抗菌药物横断面使用率为 5 2 .7% ,治疗用药占 4 7% ,预防用药占 4 3.1% ,治疗 +预防用药占 9.9% ,使用抗菌药物中 ,5 3%为单一用药 ,4 7%为联合用药≥ 2种抗菌药物 ;三代头孢菌素的应用比例为31.7% ;外科术后预防性用药比例偏高。结论 对医院感染高危部门进行目标性监测 ,提高病原体送检率和分离率 ,合理使用抗菌药物尤其广谱抗菌药物 ,减少耐药菌株产生 。
OBJECTIVE To investigate and analyze the prevalence rate as well as antibiotics use in our hospital. METHODS To study nosocomical prevalence rate of 798 cases in our hospital on August 7th, 2003 by prevalence survey of bed-side investigation and case records. RESULTS Among the 787 inpatients investigated in the study, the prevalence rate was 5.72% whereas the case prevalence rate was 6.23%. The thoracic surgical division had the highest prevalence rate of 20.83%; the lower respiratory tract infection constituent ratio was 36.7%. the urinary tract infection incidence was 18.4%. The incision site infection rate was 16.3%. The microbiological (results )showed the pathogens were mainly fungi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus. HBsAg(+) was 20% in the patients. The percentage of antibiotic usage was 52.7%. 47% of the cases were intended for (active )treatment and 43.1% for preventive regimen. In all the patients treated with antibiotics, single antibiotic was administered in 53% of the cases and multiple ones in 47% of the cases. The percentage of the third (generation )cephalosporin use was 31.7%. The postoperative use after operation appeared to be higher than usual. CONCLUSIONS It is recommended that specific surveillance be conducted in divisions with high risk for (nosocomical )infection. Isolation and inspection of pathogens should be reinforced. The rational use of antibiotics, in particular, the wide-spectrum antibiotics should be stressed in order to reduce drug resistance and nosocomial infection.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
Hospital infection
Prevalence survey
Prevalence rate