于2002年8月21日至9月14日对位于湖南省西南部的舜皇山自然保护区和位于湖南省东北部的大围山自然保护区的鸟类区系进行了调查. 在舜皇山自然保护区记录到58种鸟类, 在大围山自然保护区则记录到43种鸟类. 在两个保护区内共采集51种186号标本, 这些标本现保存在美国堪萨斯大学自然历史博物馆和生物多样性研究中心; 还对另外8种保护鸟类进行了拍照. 调查期间发现大部分种类于近期刚完成繁殖; 有14种古北界迁徙种类把两个保护区作为停留地或作为越冬地. 还对灰喉山淑鸟、小燕尾、斑背燕尾在水平和垂直分布范围的扩张进行了报道.
We inventoried the avifauna of two nature reserves in Hunan Province, China, from 21 August to 14 September 2002, recording 58 species at Shunhuang Shan Nature Reserve in southwest Hunan, and 43 species at Dawei Shan Nature Reserve in northeast Hunan. A voucher collection of 186 specimens representing 51 bird species was deposited at the University of Kansas Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center, with photographs documenting an additional 8 taxa. Most taxa had recently completed breeding, and 14 species of Palearctic migrants used the study sites as stopover areas or wintering grounds. We report range or elevational extensions for Grey-chinned Minivet (Pericrocotus solaris), Little Forktail (Enicurus scouleri), and Spotted Forktail (Enicurus maculatus).
This research was supported by the Division of Ornithology and Panorama Society of The University of Kansas Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center