IEC 61804定义了过程控制用功能块。本文介绍了IEC 61804功能块设备模型,描述了功能块的基本特征,并分析了基于功能块应用组件的过程应用,给出了IEC 61804与IEC 61499及其他标准化活动的关系。最后提出了基于IEC 61804的过程控制用功能块有待进一步完善的地方。
IEC 61804 defines the function blocks for process control. The paper introduces the function block device model of IEC 61804, describes its basic features, and analyses the control applications based on the function block application components. The relationship between IEC 61804, IEC 61499 and other standardization activities are presented here. In the end, it points out the expected improvements of function blocks for process control based on IEC61804.
Instrument Standardization & Metrology