Based on the 48h culture3 of day 9.5 whole rat emtryos in serun, it has been proved that selenium would have embryotoxi-city in a dose related manner. maner.The forst selective uptake site was optic system in emtryos cultured in vitro,this result was of importance.All indexes correlated with embryonic growth and morphological differentations were inhibited at inhibited at high concentration. The incidence ofabnormal embryos was 66.7% at 6.0ug/ml. The abnormal embryos were characterized by failures of development of sen sensory placodes and limb buds, hydropericardium. open neural tube and somite abnormalities. The embryonic mortality was up to 88.9% in embryos with one to three somites exposed to 12.0ug/ml seleniun.
Sichuan Environment