Protoplasts of two doubly auxotrophic strains, Bacillus subtilis TG26-10 producing antifungal proteins and Bacillus thuringeinsis AS 1.904-17 producing endoto-xin proteins, were fused by polyethylene glycol treatment. Interspecific fused reco-mbinants with parental genetical characteristics were obtained. The rate of interspecific fusion was 7.52 × 10-6. The obtained fusants were subcultured on MM medium plates for a.t lean 10 transfers and 19.5% of them were stable. There were apparent differences between parental strains and fusants in colony and cell morphology.The compositions of antifungal proteins and endotoxin proteins produced by parental strains and stable fusants were compared by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electr-ophoresis. The antifungal proteins from TG26-10 strain and the endotoxin proteins from AS1.904-17 strain were observed in the fusants patterns. The results of bioa-ssay indicated that the fusants were capable of killing both plant pathogens and larvae of Pyrausta nubilalis.
Protoplast fusion, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thurtngiensis, Antifun-gal proteins, Endotoxin protems