随着教育改革的深入 ,高等教育已由精英教育转变为大众教育。在讲究消费者权利的今天 ,人们开始注意教育消费者的权利 ,近年来出现学生告学校并胜诉的新鲜事 ,说明作为特殊消费者的大学生开始懂得用法律维护自身的合法权利 ,同时说明现行高校中的一些管理条例不符合国家教育改革的发展。该文从维权的角度看现行高校管理中一些容易引发侵权的管理问题 ,分析其中原因 ,探索“以人为本”
With the deepening of educational reform,higher education has transformed from elite education to popular education.Nowadays people have paid more attention to their consumer rights.As specical consumers,college students also know how to assert their legal rights.This paper discusses the possible problem of tort in student management and analyzes the reason so as to proble into the management model in which human being is regarded as fundamental.
Journal of Guangdong Agriculture Industry Business Polytechnic