数学建模是提高学生数学应用能力的重要方法 ,1 0多年来已受到中国教育主管部门和数学教育工作者的高度关注。通过对 1 994年~ 2 0 0 3年我国数学建模研究论文中涉及到的分布年代、著者所属区域和部门系统以及学科范围等方面进行统计分析 ,可以看到我国近 1 0年来对该领域的研究论文数量有较大增长 ,研究人员遍布全国 2 8个省市 ,尤其是高校系统则为主要的研究和论文产出部门 ,并且随着学术研究的深化 ,数学建模已被广泛地应用于许多研究领域。
Mathematic modeling is an important method to improve the mathematic practical ability,which is emphasized by Chinese educational function department and mathematical education worker during the last 10 years.We analyzed the distributed ages,the region of authors,department system,subject ranges and other respects that is referred in the Chinese mathematical modeling research article form 1994 to 2003.We can find the number of research article increased,research people are distributed in 28 provinces and cities,especially that college is the major output department.With the deepen of article research,mathematical modeling is distributing many research region widely.
Journal of Modern Information