20 0 3年 2月 2 4日 10点 0 3分 4 2秒新疆巴楚—伽师发生 6 .8级地震 ,震中位置北纬 39°30′、东经 77°12′,震源深度 2 5 .2 km。地震造成 2 6 8人死亡 ,受伤 4 85 3余人 ,其中重伤 2 0 5 8人。由于房屋倒塌或受到较大程度破坏 ,造成室外避难共计 4 96 5 6户 ,约为 2 0 5 0 79人。根据地震现场科学考察结果 ,宏观震中位于巴楚县东南琼库尔恰克乡吾斯塘博依村附近 ,即北纬 39°2 0′,东经 77°38′。灾区面积为 2 14 98km2 ,受灾地区涉及喀什地区的巴楚县、伽师县、岳普湖县、麦盖提县西北部、莎车县北部、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州的阿图什市东南部及新疆生产建设兵团农三师 ,共计 6个县 (市 ) 37个乡镇 931个村 (场 )。此次地震属严重破坏性地震 ,大量房屋、生命线工程遭破坏 ,直接经济损失总计达 139792 .2 3万元人民币。
On February 24, 2003 at 10:03:42 Beijing time, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred southeast of Jiashi, 39°30′N, 77°12′E, with a depth of 25.2 km. 268 people were killed, more than 4 853 people were injured, including 2 058 heavily injured people, and 49 656 families, about 205 079 people, were displaced from their homes. The field investigation found the macro-epicenter was located nearby Wusitangboyi village, Qiongkuqiake, southeast of Bachu (39°20′N, 77°38′E).The affected region amounted to 21 498 km+2, and 6 counties (cities), 37 towns, 931 villages were involved in. The Bachu-Jiashi earthquake of Feb. 24, 2003 was a heavily destructive shock, caused a great number of houses and life line projects damaged, and the direct economic loss was estimated at $ 1 397.9 223 million.
Inland Earthquake
Earthquake disaster investigation
Earthquake disaster evaluation
Bachu-Jiashi MS6.8 earthquake