this report a woman with inguinal ectopia of ovary is presented.An inguinal ectopia of ovary is
extremely rare in clinic.The true ingui-nal ectopia of ovary was not reported till now abroad, but
only onecase was reported in china.There is a distinct difference between ingui-nal hernia and
inguinal ectopia of ovary.If abnormal descent of theovary through inguinal canal moves beneath
the peritoneum and behindthe canal of Nuck into the inguinal canal or the labium majus
pudendi,know as the congenital inguinal ectopia of ovary,If the canal connectingthe canal of
Nuck and peritoneal cavity fails to close during early in-fancy,the ovary and fallopian tube may
herniate through it into the in-guinal canal or the labium majus pudendi,know as the congenital
inguinalhernia of ovary.Becanse the hernia sac was not found in this case, theinguinal ectopia
of ovary was diagnosed.
Journal of Ningxia Medical College