红尼罗鱼Reb TjIapja系1983和1985年从台湾引进。经细胞学和生化遗传分析,该鱼的染色体组型为2n=44,具有2对同源染色体携带核仁组织者(NORS),间期银染核仁数(Ag-NORs)在1—4之间;LDH同工酶酶谱为2—5条。与尼罗罗非鱼比较无特别明显差异a可认为是Oreochromisco mossamlicas与Oniloticas的杂交变异种。对其进行系统选育研究,获得F_5和F_6代红色个体比例分别提高到75.8%和80%,个体生长比原来提高10.83—16.74%和12.4%,群体产量提高13.72-26.54和24.13%。具有优良经济性状,成为我国淡水养殖的一个良种。
Red Tilapia was brought to our institute from Taiwan in 1983 and 1985 It's skin is red , the inner-abdomen membrane white and it is of high economic value. After our preliminary selected breeding in F_6 80% of fish is red. The growth of individual fish was increased by 12.4%, overall production by 24.13% . In the first year the fish can grow to an average weight of 175-250g, the largest may weigh up to 470g. The maximal weight of second-year-fish may be l,000g. The body shape of red Tilapia b similar to that of Niloticus. The ratio of body length to body height is 2.40卤0.33, and body length to head length is 2.97卤0.13. The weight of mature fish is 180-500g. Female fish can lay 300-1.500 eggs per time. The chromosome number of red Tilapia is Zn=44, there are 2 pares of homlogues bearing NORs, the number of Ag-NORs is from 1 to 4. LOU isozyme b no much different from that of O. Niloticus. Red Tilapia seems to be a hybridization of O. mossambicus X O. Niloticus. The selected F_6 have showed some advanced economic value in production.