The effest of various processing and storage conditions, such as variousraw material in freshness, vacuum and ordinary packaging, storage temperatures at -10℃and -18℃, freshy and pickled eviscerated and deheaded products, on quality and storagelife of mackerel products were studied through sensory analysis, POV and TVB-N mea-surements. The experimental results showed that the rancidity resulted from lipid oxida-tion was the main factors for the loss in quality and storage life of mackerel products atstorage temperatures of -10℃ and -18℃. However, a depression in original flavor andslight increase in TVB-N value occurred in the products. Moreover, it was found that thepackaging in vacuum or in air, degree of freshness in raw material and storage tempe-rature were the most important parameters affecting the quality loss and storage life ofthe products in various storage conditions. As the products prepared from rawmaterial of less freshness, packed in ordinary pouch and stored at -10℃ exhibited thestorage life of two to three months and the high POV value 100-200 meq/kg, whereasthe products prepared with highly fresh mackerel, packed in vacuum pouch and stored at-18℃ showed the longer storage life of 6 months and the low POV level below 40 meq/kg. It is quite evident that in order to keep the mackerel products in good quality and long storage life, the products should be prepared from highly fresh material, packedin vacuum pouch and stored at low temperature not higher than -18℃.
Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University