介绍了在苏丹GNPOC原油长输管道超长管段上采用EP W2 0 3减阻剂进行工业试验及其应用情况。先后在 1号站和 3号站间进行 1号站单点注入减阻试验与增输试验 ,在 1号站和 2号站进行两点注入增输试验。其后开始例行两点注入工业应用。分析了减阻剂工业应用中存在的问题 ,由于原油来源发生变化 ,原油粘度升高 ,同时受到雨季环境条件的影响 ,导致该管道 2号、3号站间原油雷诺数大大降低 。
The applied experiment of EP-W203 DRA in Sudan Oil Pipeline is made. The experiment on the one- point injection of DRA in No. 1 Pumping Station is carried out first for drag reducing and throughput in- creasing between No. 1 Pumping Station and No. 3 Pumping Station,and then the between No. 1 Pumping station No. 2 Pumping Station for throughput increasing. The routine injection conduces after the experi- ments. The analysis on the variation of the physical behavior for different crude oils (resulting in high viscosity) is made. The analytical results show that this problem together with the rain season's factor make the crude oil's Reynolds number lower between No. 2 Pumping Station and No. 3 Pumping Station, which affects the effectiveness of DRA.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation